About Me

It’s not a secret that I’m a writer. Ask any of my friends or my family and they will tell you the same thing: I’ve been a writer before I could even write. I've been writing for as long as anyone has known me. I actually started at the age of 4, before I could even form letters or numbers and could only use squiggles and scribbles to get my ideas from pen to paper. When I learned my numbers and letters, though I still couldn’t form words to a page, I would incorporate random digits and letters into my scribbles. My first real story I wrote was in kindergarten, when I wrote a five-paged ‘book’ about trees and flowers becoming friends. About 18--or is 19, now?--years later and I've finally made it.

It all started with a blog titled "The Secret Writer" originally dedicated to the ins and outs of both writing and editing as a place for me to get my foot in the door as an established soon-to-be author. I wanted to get my name out there so that when people saw the name "Stephanie K.R." (and now Sabrina Regan) they could associate it with an actual person, rather than just a floating name on a book cover. Moreover, until I started "The Secret Writer" blog, I never submitted anything publicly before, and only once in the fourth grade had I ever read something of mine aloud. I believed it was time to change that. Trough the creation of my blog, I was aiming to get my stuff out there so that one day soon I’d be able to change my status from “The Secret Writer” to "Well Established Author".

Today I finally get to have my author's blog, and the original "...Secret Writer" blog has turned into "Writing it Out - A Blogging Guide for Writing and Editing". Needless to say I feel as if I've finally made it! But I'm certainly not done yet.

Aside from being a writer, I am also a complete nerd and there's no better way to describe just how much of a nerd I am than this picture here:

I also love being in the outdoors, which is why spring is my favorite season as it's finally warm enough to be outside. Though the term "warm" is apparently a suggestive term to some people as I believe anywhere between forty-and fifty degrees is plenty warm. Actually, my ideal temperature range is between 40 and 65 degrees (Fahrenheit), not that you needed to know that. Even so, I don't mind being in colder weather, and love the snow. However I cannot stand the heat. On the days it's far too hot out for me to go outside to write, I sit in front of my open bedroom window with a fan (which is what I'm doing now) and stare out at the ivy covered trees that provide me a glorious amount of shade so that in the miserable summer days it's bearable to sit at my desk, even in my non-air-conditioned apartment.

Scratch the fan part. The motor just broke.
